
  • OSX
    • QGIS
      • Start Finder.
      • Connect to the Windows share by hitting Cmd + K
      • Type smb://<your AD username without backslash>
      • Click the plus sign to save the connection.
      • Click Connect.
      • Enter your password and, if you want, save it to your keychain and click Connect.
      • Click the icon for adding vector or raster data.
      • Click the Browse button.
      • Browse to the data you are interested in and click Open.

  • Ubuntu
    • QGIS
      • Start the Files application.
      • Connect to the server by clicking File > Connect to Server...
      • Type smb://<your AD username without backslash>
      • Type in the Domain text box.
      • Type your ad password.
      • Select how you want to handle the password and click Connect.
      • Start QGIS
      • Click the icon for adding vector or raster data.
      • Click the Browse button.
      • Browse to the data you are interested in and click Open.

 Added  Mon Sep 24 16:21:15 CEST 2018   by MatsEmbedded Image