
How to get access to ESRI web courses


This guide helps you to get access to ESRI training resources available to you as an employee or student at SLU. SLU has an enterprise account at ESRI with access to resources such as online training and licensing. At the ESRI Training portal, a large number of web courses, otherwise requiring a maintenance plan (costs money), are free for all with an SLU user.

1. Make sure your user at SLU's account at ArcGIS Online is activated

The only thing you need to do is to log in to SLU’s account at ArcGIS Online once. This will activate your SLU user at SLUs organizational account at ArcGIS Online.

What is ArcGIS Online? ArcGIS Online ( is an ESRIs online resource primarily for managing your ESRI-user and online cooperation (maps, geodata sharing and collection). All employee and students can access to SLUs account at ArcGIS Online.

How to log in:

The name of SLUs account is "gis-slu". The direct link to SLUs enterprise account at ArcGIS Online is:

Go to: and login using following this procedure:


2. Check that “ESRI Access” is enabled for your account (optional)

This is normally NOT necessary. The default setting for all users is “Esri Access” enabled. Rarely, this setting can be off. You can check this if needed:


3. Log in at My ESRI

Login to SLU’s account at with your SLU user.

NOTE! It is still important to login correctly! Se above.

4. Start your training activity

You can now search and execute a large number of web-courses available at ESRI Training ( under SLU's enterprise account.

Goto the ESRI Training page

You can go to “Course Catalog” to browse and search for web courses:

You can also see you training activity, and download Certificates for completed web courses:

/Anders Larsolle 2025-02-20


 Added  Thu Feb 20 11:12:13 CET 2025   by andersEmbedded Image