3. Log in with your SLU credentials.
4. Click your user and select "My settings".
5. Click Licenses and download the ArcGIS Pro installation file.
6. Double click the downloaded file and follow the instructions.
7. You might get an error message saying you are missing a certain .NET version. Then follow this link: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/8.0
Download and install this file in blue, if your operating system is Windows. Then you can re-run the installation of ArcGIS PRO.
8. If you need any extensions for ArcGIS Pro, please send a mail to gis-support@slu.se and
we will fix it.
9. See this link on how to start using ArcGIS Pro: https://pluto.slu.se/gispub/start_using_arcgis_professional